Breakdowns, what you may not know.
When it comes to your equipment breaking down it can cost you everything. Failing to establish a preventative maintenance schedule can cost you your lively hood. Waiting to complete those repairs and allowing them to stack up will increase your odds for a more serious breakdown, can range in severity to requiring months of downtime to just being put out of service during a roadside inspection. Now you have to be reactive and pay out of pocket for towing your equipment to the next qualified shop or having to call for roadside assistance, which we all know is highway robbery. Now Owner Operators are paying twice as much and could essentially cost you every dime you have made for the week or even the month. So now you’re working for free, worrying whether you have the money to cover the repairs. Some companies, like Voyager Nation, Inc. offer a maintenance fund were owner operators voluntarily contribute a percentage of their weekly pay and if that’s the case you may actually be in a better position than most. Other Owner Operators, after paying out their expenses barely have enough to simply put money away into a savings account for that maintenance rainy day. These costs however, can be reduce by simply establishing a regular preventative maintenance schedule. Preventative maintenance and being proactive as required by the FMCSR Part 396 can reduce the cost of maintenance by reducing the needs of emergency breakdowns, identifying current, upcoming issues and correcting them on a time table you have established, thusly, reducing your down time and maintenance costs.
When you’re trying to spy on someone’s phone, you need to make sure the software isn’t found by them once it’s installed.
You can use parent management software to guide and supervise children’s behavior on the Internet. With the help of the following 10 smartest parent management software, you can track your child’s call history, browsing history, dangerous content access, apps they install, etc.